ust a note to say I finally finished my New Year's Resolution from the beginning of this year! Last October I started on a journey to complete my Master's Personal Training Certification. When I first signed on for such a fete, I had no idea the depth of information I was about to take on. When I received all of the curriculum in the mail, the box weighed over 25 lb.s of over 11 books, dvd's, cd's and examination material to be completed a year from the date of delivery. I began the journey with complete focus and vigor to accomplish every test. However, about 2 test in I was beginning to feel the weight of it all. As I started into the final exam, it appeared that I would never finish. I almost gave up! It entailed so much and stretched me beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I blamed my age for not being able to comprehend the literature and kept telling myself that I couldn't do it.
Finally, after laying the test aside for about 2 months, I woke myself up and dusted off the negativity I was allowing to swallow me up and decided the year had not ended and I could still finish what I started. After all the fussin' and cussin' DID IT! I finished! AFter 4 finals I actually achieved my goal. Test 3 was sent back to me because I had scored an 84 and you must have at least a 90 percent out of 100 to pass each test. So I corrected some of my mistakes sent it back in and passed it. Then when the final came around I just knew they would send that one back, but they didn't and today I got my Certification in the mail!
I know this isn't a big deal to a lot of people. But for a girl that only knew Church stuff, Ministry and Singing to dive into the world of Nutrition and fitness and stretch her self to learn something so out of her box at the age of 44...Let me just toot my horn for a minute...TOOT TOOT...LOl! I know that may be silly but I thank GOD for not allowing me to give up and being there to remind me in my spirit that I could do it!
Let this little testimony encourage some of you that are thinking about going after a goal you've been wanting for yourself but think it's too late....take it from me...
IT'S NEVER TOO LATE!!! YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH ALL YOUR HEART'S DESIRES AND DREAMS!!! Let this be your year to go after something you want! You deserve to be happy and feel accomplishment!
Remember, this SEason, Christmas, Christ's birth...Jesus, came that you might have life and have that life MORE ABUNDANTLY!!!
Merry Christmas!
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