It is so nice to see the Sun again. Physically, as well as, spiritually and emotionally. There was such a dark time in my life, not even a sunny day could bring a spring in my step. Thank God that he has opened my eyes to life again. It's important to know that a single person or a single moment or a revelation didn't get me to this place I'm in today. It was a process, a journey. I've not experienced an 'overnight' or 'instant' deliverance from my situation. Rather, God allowed me the process in order that I might appreciate more, what I have now. I remember the days of walking out in my back yard and yelling at God...'do you even exist?'...'why did you do this to me after all of the years I gave you my life?'...'do You even love me?'...'the God I've served for all of these years would never do this to his child?'...the questions could go on. If you've ever thought of it...I asked it out loud. I went on some kind of journey. In the end, and it's not over yet, it was all worth it. I couldn't understand it in the middle of my mess, but looking back now, it has given me strength, foundation, hope, forgiveness more for others, life lessons...basically, a better me! The ME He formed me in the womb to BE!
If I can encourage anyone today that reads would be...Don't rush the process! Hang in there! I can't tell you how many times I hated hearing people say that, but it's true! There is Life after Death...figuratively speaking. There is a Rainbow after the Rain! There is a Donkey you can ride out on among the 'dung' that is around you. Don't let your circumstance define you! Don't allow your circumstances to turn you into a victim! Fight for soul through the process and most importantly, Let God do His Thing! This is only a Season...This too shall pass!