Sometimes life can be overwhelming. It seems lately that so many are suffering because of the economy, battling life threatening illnesses or making major life changes, at least in the lives of some of my close friends and family. I think back on a time not too long ago when my world was so dark that even a night light would have been welcoming. I couldn't hardly even breathe on my own. I relied on medications, alcohol and even experimented with other things just thinking something might work to change my circumstances. I blamed God, people, my parents, my name it I blamed it. The very Word that I was raised on, I was bitter towards. However, for some reason, even in my pain and dark room experience, I still went to the Word of God. I can't explain it, the whole time I'm reading I'm angry. One day, while I was reading I was reminded of a scripture that basically, 'kicked me in the tush'. I Samuel 30:6, "and David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David ENCOURAGED himself in the Lord his God." See, David didn't wait for his circumstances to change. He started with himself! A wise old Preacher once told me, 'the war may not end around you, but it can end within you.' I was at war with myself, my emotions, my mind and soul, not the circumstances. I had to come to the realization that although things may not change on the outside, I had to change some things and self-destructive behaviors on the inside of me. I was so ashamed and felt like such a loser for that time of my life. But, God, through His Grace & Mercy, rewrote my life. He helped me, Help Me! The change had to come from within myself. If my circumstances got better, then my attitude and behavior may have been better for a season, but ultimately the complete healing in my mind and heart would not be permanent. You see, now, when things aren't the way I'd like them to be around me, it doesn't altar who I am anymore. I don't run to the destructive behavior that once consumed me. Oh, I may have a down day or two, but I don't react to the circumstances in the same way. I have Hope now. It only came because, I encouraged myself!You may not be able to stop that divorce from happening, it may be best if you didn't anyway. Or, you may not be able to remove the tumor in your head, or speak the cancer out of your body, or save your kids from themselves. But, you can encourage yourself to be a stronger, better person, and when you do, I have good news... the scripture goes on to say in Verse 8, "and David, enquired at the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, PURSUE: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover ALL."
It's your time to RECOVER ALL...start with yourself!
There is a thing Alpha Hubby and I do sometimes to encourage ourselves - crazy praise - we just grab one another and dance around, praising God at the top of our lungs, stating that God will prevail! You are so right, too - remind yourself of other times God has come through for you - He never lets us down!